Pool in the Crete Senesi view more
Your dream in Tuscany view more
Crete, harmony of shapes view more
Pool in the Crete Senesi
Your dream in Tuscany
Crete, harmony of shapes

Over 30 years
in the game

About us

Casale in Crete is a project of Studio GFN. For over 30 we have been offering our clients a comprehensive service to select valuable estates and properties in the Crete Senesi. We take care of the design, the relationship with local authorities and the realization of the property.

Our Goal

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit. Esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur, excepteur sint occaecat non.


The Design Awards 2019

Star / Winner Award

Creative Awards 2018

Best Design of Year

Our team
of architects

Fabio Neri
Fabio Neri


"Pletun epsu dolor sit amet, teture adipiscing elit, sed do usmod port dunt ut labore et dolore. Ut enim ad minim veniam exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.mollit anim id est laborum."

Ollie Castro Architect

"Eget cursus purus. Ut tempor iaculis dolor, eget pharetra lorem gravida vel. Nunc dignissim mauris ac est fermentum, et sodales sem interdum. Integer ac augue urna. In condimentum quis odio eu blandit. Etiam a diam sit amet erat varius egestas. Maecenas pharetra, velit nec cursus dictum, eros malesuada metus."

Kali Bowler Architect

"Duis at sapien maximus ante posuere commodo. Suspendisse in nulla luctus, eleifend justo a, cursus enim. Sed semper ipsum nibh, sed maximus sapien semper cursus. Praesent aliquam mollis fermentum. Sed iaculis a lacus et luctus. Praesent eget mauris eros. Maecenas tempor, ipsum non fringilla gravida."

Bruno Firth Designer

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